Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Settling In

I've rented a beautiful little office a few blocks from my home. It's in a building that's home to artists, an online magazine and the Sisters Folk Festival offices. I'm so grateful to have found this space. I've been contemplating office space for a while now but the right situation just hadn't come up. As I was riding my bike past this building one day, I thought to myself "That is where I'd like to have my office but they hardly ever have offices available."  A few days later, when I opened up the local paper to the classifieds, there it was- "Office Space for Rent"! It was meant to be! And it was in my budget!

I now have a quiet space to see clients, have workshops, and write blog posts and newsletters. I'd love for you to join me sometime either in person or virtually. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Office Space

Isn't that a great movie? One of my all time favorites!

Which leads me to big news! I just rented my own official office space! I'll be moving in the first week of November. It's scary, wonderful and crazy but it's the right time! I'll post pictures as I get set up.

The building that I'm moving into is truly my dream space. When I was contemplating where I'd want to set up, this was it but they rarely have any space available. Amazingly, they had 4 spaces available and the rent was in my budget! Meant to be!  I'm looking forward to having a space to see clients here in town. 

I sent out my first newsletter this week as well! If you missed it, you can sign up for it on the button on my sidebar.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Honey on my Face!

I recently started using honey as a morning face wash! According to Crunchy Betty, this is the thing to do!


It's moisturizing while being anti bacterial. Ok.'s so sticky. And it's not my favorite flavor but I thought I'd give it a go.

Guess what!

I love using honey! I don't (using my almost 9 year old son's words) have to use expensive products.

It makes my skin smooth and soft without being too dry. It also prevents new breakouts from forming. Yeah! Crunchy Betty has all of the good details at the link above. I also like not adding chemicals to my face wash routine.

I'm only a week into a 2 week trial with it but I love it so far!

Let me know if you try it and how it works for you!
