Thursday, May 9, 2013

Raising Healthy Kids in a Fast Food Society

This is one of the hardest parts of parenting for all of us! How do we feed out kids healthy, energizing food in a world filled with highly processed snacks and fast food? How do we do this without making them feel like the 'weird kid' because their mom packs them organic, gluten free pizza?

I wish I knew all those answers!

My kids are now almost 8 and 91/2 and are pretty good at making good choices even when left to their own devices. Part of this is just luck on my part. Part of this is strategy: I don't keep much junk in the house (mostly because I like to eat it, too!) and I try to model good habits. I also try to practice moderation. When we go out to dinner, my kids choose what they want and whether they want fries or salad. I try to teach them to listen to what their body wants and go with that.

The part I really struggle with is when they are in social situations and seeing the other kids with pre-packaged cracker/cheese/meat meals or with candy and chips in their lunches every day. I do try to teach them that these are 'treat' food. Not bad, just not for every day. And we do indulge from time to time.

Again, I'm far from perfect on this. We participate in the free lunch program at our school. At this point, it's a financial necessity. While the food isn't the worst cafeteria food that I've seen, it's not what I would choose. Something else I struggle with. I do my best at home, providing fresh, home cooked meals as much as possible and I do pack lunches when I can.

Do you feel this way, too?