Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Healing Journey

This last weekend, I took a trip to a spa with my best frined of over 20 years to a spa. I really needed the massage, pedicure, and facial right then. And time with my friend. We are both so busy with work, family, etc that we don't get nearly enough time together. While we had an absolutely amazing time together, it was part of the drive that showed me how far I've come in the last few years and how much healing I've done.

The town that our spa adventure was in was in the town I lived in while my daughter was a baby. She was a tiny, frail baby who was considered 'failure to thrive'. I was going through severe post partum depression at the time as well. I was a stay at home mom with a baby and an almost 2 year old and a marriage that was disintegrating. Because my daughter was so tiny and frail, we had to go on an 80 mile round trip drive each week to the doctor for a weight check to make sure she was gaining and keeping some weight on.

Today I drove that road for the first time in 7 years. I was a little apprehensive about driving that route. It had been so long and had so many emotions tied up in it. What I found was that I realized how far we've come! That tiny little girl is now a robust, athletic, very tall nearly 8 year old who's starting to play sports. I've recovered from being so far down the hole of depression that I wasn't sure I'd return from. I dug my way out. Driving down that road today made me realize how far my children and I have come in the last 7 years.

ANYTHING is possible! I made it! I survived a rocky divorce and am thriving now! I have the pleasure to raise two of the most amazing kids. I have the best friends and family as my support system.

Please remember: It's ALL POSSIBLE!

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