Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cleansing vs. Fasting

I read an article in the May 2013 issue of Marie Claire magazine that got me going! It spoke about the current fad of going on juice  'cleanses'. The thing is, what they're calling a cleanse is really a fast. Anytime you don't consume enough calories to sustain life....that is a fast.  I believe that a cleanse is done in order to reset your health and that it must contain enough calories and real food to keep your body and mind clear. A good cleanse will include lots of leafy greens, healthy fats, some protein, a fair amount of clean water and herbal tea, and possibly some nuts or seeds. It will not consist of all liquid!

Going back to the article-The women interviewed for it all claimed to feel absolutely amazing until they fell off the fast. And boy did they fall! They all went into a huge binge cycle. Some of them purged and some felt the only way to get back into control was to go back on the fast. Instead of learning to eat properly, they all started to rely on this very expensive product. Not to mention, the damage that was being done to their bodies by the cycle. Just for the record, the tone of the article was strongly against these fasts as they can lead to disordered eating.

This is why I advocate for Real food. Whole food like greens and vegetables; fruit, nuts and seeds, organic meat. Cut back on the processed stuff and the sugar and the take out. I've learned to make the most amazing teriyaki chicken and beef in the crockpot. Hamburgers at home take less time than going out to a restaurant. Eating this way allows you to be strong, healthy and vibrant. It also doesn't mean perfection. I'll admit to not being perfect which is a whole post unto itself!

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